Who we are


Founded in 2019, Cyborg Security is a team of threat hunters, threat intelligence analysts, and security researchers from across North America.

The goal of Cyborg Security is to empower organizations to proactively defend against cyber threats by providing advanced threat hunting capabilities and expertise.



We are a team of threat hunters, threat intelligence analysts, and security researchers from across North America. Our team has broad experience from security roles in the military, Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, managed security service providers (MSSPs), and government agencies.

Across all those fields we saw a trend: security teams still struggle with threat hunting and detection.

Our mission at Cyborg Security is simply to “empower the hunter to find the bad.” That means providing the customized content, guidance, and validation tools they need to run consistent, repeatable, and effective threat hunts.

To achieve our mission, we focus on two things: empowerment and leadership.

Cyborg Security Company Photo


Futuristic tools powered by AI and machine learning get all the attention… but in reality, human analysts and threat hunters are the future of security. No technology will ever overtake the knowledge and expertise of the security professionals who operate it.

In light of this, we aim to start a movement within the broader security community to focus on what matters: giving threat hunters and analysts the tools they need to hunt down threats in the real world.


Security can’t rely on reactive monitoring and defense—it requires proactive and systematic hunting. Threat hunting teams do a great job, but they are constrained by time and budgets.

To empower them, we provide advanced threat hunt and detection packages that are fully customized to the customer’s environment. This enables threat hunting teams to:



David Amsler

CEO & Founder

Eric Sigman

VP of Sales & Marketing

Shannon McMeel

VP of Finance & HR

Mike Mitchell

VP of Engineering

Nick Allen

VP of Development

Adam Cresswell

VP of Operations

Here at Cyborg Security, we’re not just a bunch of fun-loving techies; we take cybersecurity and user data privacy incredibly seriously. In fact, we’re proud to say we’re SOC 2 Type II compliant, which means we’re all about keeping your data safe and sound! We’ve jumped through all the hoops, ticked all the boxes, and gone the extra mile to ensure we’ve got your back when it comes to protecting your valuable information.

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Upcoming Podcast

Episode 16

JOIN US FOR AN EVENING OF THREAT HUNTING FUN! Cyborg Security has launched a podcast with a twist! Join us for the first fully interactive

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